Harvest is going to be delayed 1 more week as the corn is just drying really slow. But there are so many other great signs fall is here.
Going to bed at night and hearing the dry corn rustlng in the wind, I love that and is always a sure sign. There are only a couple weeks a year where leaves are that dry before harvested, but it is such a soothing sound going to bed or when I wake up in the middle of the night. Seems I always forget about it until fall is here again.
Beans are starting to turn, that means about 3 weeks they will be ready.
If the weather cooperates and we don't get too much rain we are going to start corn next Sat for sure!
Maybe you have to be a farmer to appreicate it but I woke up this morning and just spent about 20 minutes drinking my coffee and looking out at the golden corn-easy to lose appreciation for things so beautiful when you see them every day.
On the business side of things I ordered a lot of my seed and fertilizer for next year, and input prices on some fertilizer was half of last year! That was a real pleasant surprise.
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